Various Artists - - Spectral Park - Eqq027

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Registriert: 17.08.05 - 03:06
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Various Artists - - Spectral Park - Eqq027

Beitrag von artist_unknown »

[Eqq027] Various Artists - Spectral Park


style: techno / dub
size: 164 MB | zipped
country: Poland
quality: 320 kbps

1. Maskine - Maszyny
2. Echo TM - Organic Dub
3. Manuel Romero - Berlin
4. Mossa - Still Around
5. Tom Mosler - Random Sunset
6. Chine - Beaver
7. Martin Donath - Small Talk
8. Stig Inge - Nearly Lost
9. Carlo - Buz
10. Hermetico - Chiringuito
11. 7am - Ciasto Astralne
12. Mao - Milkyway
13. Baldo - Sofa Surfer

Releasing a Various Artist compilation is always a good opportunity to mix up things a bit. And mixing is what we do on the "Spectral Park".The title is corresponding to the content of LP. It's a wide spectrum of what we turned our attention to, recently. Well respected artists meet their followers, and those that are stepping their first steps..An eclectic blend of new and old, slow and fast, sweet and sour, day and night - everything is to find on those thirteen fine tracks of our sampler. Few genres are represented on "Spectral Park" including several dub-influenced and minimal tracks, to mention only two of them.

download: here
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Held der Arbeit
Held der Arbeit
Beiträge: 9897
Registriert: 05.05.05 - 15:17
Wohnort: bin ich nicht hier, bin ich auf´m sonnendeck

Beitrag von basti@mmt »

nette tracks dabei, sollte man sich mal anhören ;)
„Ariel there was a fire in your house they say, And that your bedroom is all up in flames. There was a fire in your house they say, They say you've been dancing with the devil. “